Which competitor in your category will emerge strongest post-COVID?


The marketplace for your brand, and all brands, has shifted permanently. All business leaders are seeking the best market knowledge to predict their post-COVID trading environment so that they can position themselves for growth. In this race for intelligence, the businesses that best grasp the nature of their new reality will seize market share. The music has stopped, and we’re all racing for chairs.

As a business leader, you will be keeping yourself appraised of the latest economic news and market intelligence in your sector, and closely observing changes in your customers’ buying behaviour. This is all essential background information. But the key to your future growth lies in your answer to one question: Post-COVID, what will be the nature of the new relationship between your brand and your customer?

This is the most pertinent question because that relationship has undoubtedly changed due to the pandemic. Your customers’ purchasing habits and priorities have changed. They have a new attitude towards the necessities of their lives and the extent to which brands can (or can’t) fulfil them. Their digital purchasing journeys are changing even more rapidly than before. Your media options for connecting with them have changed markedly.

Your business can identify and profit from these changes by engaging a critical project team comprising the best minds in consumer data and analytics, research, brand strategy, creative and market deployment.

The task of this team is highly focussed. It’s to discover the new relationship between your brand and your customer, and use this knowledge to reposition you for growth. At DPR&Co we call this process The New Real.

If you’d like to learn more, please contact Richard Ralphsmith or Phil Huzzard at DPR&Co.

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