Every time I visit my dentist or GP, I am reminded of what a joy it is to work in this amazing industry. Sure, there are professions that may be more lucrative and admired. But can you imagine showing up every day for an unending line of people with holes in their teeth or hypertension?
The same with law, accounting – even engineering – all worthy professions, but rarely given to the kind of adrenaline rush that comes with this industry.
I love advertising. For us, it’s all about making a difference through the power of ideas. Every day is different. New challenges. New problems to solve. Learning is at the core of our profession. And learning keeps us young. Plus, our clients are generally great people who trust us with their secrets.
That’s not to suggest there aren’t difficult times. We all know that this is also a profession full of undervalued IP, subjective decision-making, painful rejection and (sometimes) unrealistic expectations.
But the upside is compelling; we work with, and compete against, a cohort of very bright people. And even though we all hate pitching, there are few things as motivating as pitting your skills against smart and capable competitors and winning – hopefully with reasonable frequency. And we get to say no if the product or service is not something we’d be proud to represent.
When it all boils down, I’d take a career in advertising over just about anything else.
With the benefit of time, however, and the occasional metaphorical bloodied nose, a few things emerged for me that I now rely on to make sure my appetite for the game stays strong. And at the risk of stating what may seem obvious (but that took me some time to learn), I thought I’d share them with you.
My 7 rules for loving being in advertising
- Avoid hubris at all costs. We’re a creative contributor to other people’s creations, not a creator in our own right.
- Never assume that what we do can create or lead social change. It has happened, but so rarely it’s not a bankable proposition.
- Sell to customers, not to other marketers. And never create an ad because of what it says about you.
- Focus on the idea, not the gloss. In the same way that a great song is still great when it’s played without the full band, a bad ad beautifully made is still a bad ad.
- Be bold but be ready to be self-critical. What seemed like a great idea today may be cringeworthy tomorrow. Be prepared to admit you’re wrong. It doesn’t make you less.
- Be excited. If you’re not, your audience won’t be. And if you can’t find something to be genuinely interested in about your client, you’re in the wrong business.
- Read widely from media not subject to an algorithm. Social media may give you a skewed view of the audiences you need to connect with.
That’s it. Nothing earthshattering. Just 7 things to consider through every blessed day of your career. I hope you find them helpful.