Discover your brand’s New Truth with DPR&Co


It’s a story as old as marketing itself. You come up with a great brand idea, but when you try to get the rest of your team on board, you receive conflicting feedback. You then find yourself spending company time, money and energy only to arrive at an idea that’s far from what you intended.

So, to help, we’ve come up with our own process – one that streamlines the creative process to reach the best outcome. It’s called The New Truth® process.

Truth sells: People buy when they believe

The most effective communications tap into audience emotions by delivering a ‘truth’. This is how you can shift the behaviour of a consumer or a community.

We use The New Truth process to unearth what’s ‘new’ and ‘true’ about your brand’s perceived value, we call it a New Truth®. We then apply this New Truth through strategy, amplify it through creative, and deliver it powerfully to your audience. But it’s how we go about doing this that sets us apart.

The whole New Truth and nothing but the New Truth

In many cases, the creative process may not involve the client. Instead, it can be like a secret creative huddle that ends in a big reveal. This approach can be risky and gives little credit to the expertise of you and your stakeholders.

That’s why we’ve developed The New Truth process to be a powerful team effort. Together, we discover the underlying truth of your brand in the marketplace by exploring questions around:

  • Customer buying agendas
  • Audience obstacles
  • Competitors
  • Organisation culture
  • Stakeholder challenges
  • Brand tone

These questions are usually strategic. However, we believe they should also be answered with a creative lens. This allows you to achieve the strongest competitive advantage for your business. It’s the essence of The New Truth process.

Creativity comes before creative

The New Truth process begins with our creative and strategy teams developing and distilling a spectrum of formative creative ideas, each based on a New Truth about your brand’s value from the perspective of your audience. This stage in the process leverages commissioned research, digital intelligence and analytics.
Unlike other agencies though, we don’t do this alone. You are actively involved in The New Truth workshop. Here, we’ll present the developed New Truths to your team before you unanimously decide on The New Truth or Truths that capture your message to a T.
This is when the most exciting ideas emerge. We invite you to think laterally about the New Truths presented in this collaborative deep dive. It’s a chance to get creative before we present any creative output.

This is when we also invite input from other stakeholders in your business. This not only gleans valuable insights that might be overlooked but also encourages buy-in on the creative outcome.

The idea is that you leave the workshop knowing your critical input into the creative process has been heard and responded to and that you feel confident that we’ll hit the bullseye with our creative solution.

Pre-execution audience testing

The best time to check if the creative idea will work with your audience is right after the New Truth workshop. We audience test the agreed New Truth before the final creative execution, not after. Audiences can focus on the core of the message rather than the details of how it’s presented.

Digital media strategy

This is also the ideal time to get our media team involved. We can create an omnichannel media plan at the same time as we work on the creative solution. This way, we ensure a stronger integration and more precise targeting.

Now, go forth with The New Truth

By pinpointing your New Truth before the ideation process, you avoid the fatal trap of ‘lowest common denominator’ creative. Our team is then free to develop bold executions knowing that their ideation is taking place within an agreed aperture.

Interested in our New Truth process? Let’s chat.

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